Only Bully's B2


Née le 26.04.13 - Born 04/26/13

Fille de Mergenthaler's Kovu & Mergenthaler’s Chula

Img 44



Taille / Size: 48cm

Poids / Weight: 26kg

HD: OFA Mild            ED:   0/0                  Spondylose: Normal

B2 est approuvée par la LBA pour la reproduction.

B2 is approuved by the LBA in the breeding program.


Le 18 mai 2014, B2 a réussi sa certification en tant que chien de détection de punaises de lit.

Since May 18 2014, B2 is a certified bedbug detection dog.


13 mois/month old

Img 22 Img 32
Img 40  


21/09/13: LBAE Show, Holland.

1st place, 3-6 monthes old female class, 3 dogs in the ring, judge: David Leavitt (USA)

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04/10/14: OLDE BULLDOGGE CUP 2014, Germany/Allemagne.

3rd place "Very Good", 1-2 years old female class, 6 dogs in the ring, judge: David Leavitt (USA)

B2 3rd place