Dewinter's Hudson Hawk

Né le 21.09.08 - Born 09/21/08 - RIP 10/02/17

Miss you my little man...

Fils de Dewinter’s Max The Great & Dewinter’s Lady

Taille/Size: 46 cm

Poids/Weight: 26 kg

HD: C  ED: 0/0

Pedigré de Hudson (clickez sur ce lien)


Hudson est un chien sportif, toujours en mouvement qui aime courrir par-dessus tout. Il court plusieurs fois par semaine, soit 40 min de jogging, soit 30 min de vélo, et plus des ballades.

Il pratique le dog dancing et l’obéissance. Il a obtenu son CSAU le 30 avril 2011 avec mention Excellent.

Hudson is a sporting dog, always moving, running is what he loves over all. He’s running several times a week, 40 min jogging or 30 min biking, in addition to the usual walks.

He’s practicing dog dancing and obedience. He got his CSAU on April 30th 2011, with the "excellent" grading.




5/09/09: APA competition.

2nd place, 50lbs class, pulled 7.7%


27/09/09: EKC Dutch American Bulldog Club show, Holland.

2nd place, 9-12 month old, 3 dogs in the ring. Judge: René Kreissl (DE)

27/09/09: EKC Dutch American Bulldog Club show, Holland.

No placement, 12-24 month old, 9 dogs in the ring. Judge: David Leavitt (USA)


03/04/10: ABBA temperament test.

Saarbrücken, Hudson successfully passed the test. Hudson a réussi le test de tempérament de l’ABBA.


02/05/10: ABAST Contest III, St-Germain des Bois, France.

1st place, Tug O War, 34-55 lbs class.

2nd place, Agility dual, class B


15/05/10: EKC Bulldog Beauty Cup, Eschweiler, Germany.

1st place, open class males, 10 dogs in the ring.

Best male

Best of Breed



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02/10/10: Bulldog Beauty Cup 2, Eschweiler, Germany.

1st place, open class males, 3 dogs in the ring, judge: David Leavitt (USA)

Best male

Best of Breed




23/04/11: OEB Swiss Cup, Solothurn, Switzerland.

1st place open class adult males, judge: Holger Luckas.




30/04/11: ABAST Contest IV, St-Germain des Bois, France.

Obtention du CSAU, mention Excellent.

Sucsessfully passed his CSAU, Excellent grading.


19/05/11: Celtic Show- sporting event, Thevray, France.

1 place over around 20 dogs on the dog thriatlon (sprintrace, WP and Tug O War).


01/10/11: Bulldog Beauty Cup 3, Eschweiler, Germany.

1st place, open class males, 3 dogs in the ring, judge: David Leavitt (USA)

Best male


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01/07/12: ABEU Bulldog Show, Holland.

2nd place, open class males, 3 dogs in the ring, judge: Marion Thome (DE)