Mergenthaler's Chula


Née le 20.11.09 - Born 11/20/09 - RIP 20.08.20

Fille de RicAli’s Duffy & Mergenthaler’s Zoie




















Taille / Size: 48 cm

Poids / Weight: 28 kg

HD: B (OFA Good- FCI A2)    ED: 0/0   Spondylosis free

Pédigré de Chula (cliquez sur ce lien)


Chula est une chienne douce et calme. Elle aime le contact avec les gens, et plus particulièrement les enfants qu’elle a en adoration. Elle est intelligente mais têtue... une vraie bulldog!

Elle pratique un peu de dog dancing, du weight pulling, mais son truc, c’est l’agility. Qui l’eu cru...

Elle a obtenu son CSAU mention Excellent le 5 mai 2012, et depuis juillet de la même année, elle est officiellement "Chien de Thérapie assistée par les animaux".

Chula is a sweet and calm dog. She loves people but more than anything beeing with children. She's a smart dog, but also stubborn sometime... a true bulldog!

She's doing dog dancing, weight pulling, but what she enjoys the most is our agility lesson! Who would have believed it?!

She got her CSAU with Excellent rating on May 5th 2012 and since July, she's a certified Therapy Dog.








































Les parents de Chula:

RicAli's Duffy                                                                                                          Mergenthaler's Zoie



 Chula et Angie dans leur sport préféré:


15/05/10: EKC Bulldog Beauty Cup, Eschweiler, Germany.

3rd place, 3-6 month old female puppy class.





02/10/10: Bulldog Beauty Cup 2, Eschweiler, Germany.

2nd place, 9-12 month old female puppy, judge: David Leavitt (USA)


23/04/11: OEB Swiss Cup, Solothurn, Switzerland.

1st place 1-2 years old female, judge: Holger Luckas.

 Best Female



30/04/11: Les Griffes de la Nuit, APA WP Competition, St-Germain des Bois, France.

3rd place in the 60lbs class, 15.45% (wheels on carpet)



19/05/11: Celtic Show- sporting event, Thevray, France.

3rd place over around 20 dogs on the dog thriatlon (sprintrace, WP and Tug O War).


12/06/11: UPF WP Competition, Mutterstadt, Germany.

2nd place in the 60lbs class, 11.90% (rails on carpet)


11/09/11: OBCE Club Show, Hattgenstein, Germany.

1st place open class female, judge: Marcel Le Blanc (Netherland). 1 CAC

1st place open class female, judge: Anke Munker (Germany). 1 CAC


18/09/11: So Bad Show, Chaulnes, France.

1st place fun sport competition over 15 dogs (sprint race, tug o war, WP).


01/10/11: Bulldog Beauty Cup 3, Eschweiler, Germany.

1st place, 1-2 years old female class, 5 dogs in the ring, judge: David Leavitt (USA)

Best female

Best of Breed

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01/07/12: ABEU Bulldog Show, Holland.

2nd place, open class females, 4 dogs in the ring, judge: Holger Luckas (DE)


01/09/12: OEB Swiss Cup, Switzerland. 

1st place, open class female, 3 dogs in the ring, judge: Arnaud Petit (France)

Best female

Best of Breed
